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Re: [DL] Hexarcana Martial Artists

John Goff wrote:
> > | Although the rules don't currently address whether you get bonus dice
> for
> > noggin'/gizzard shots with martial arts...
> >
> > I've always assumed they *did* receive the bonus, as there's absolutely
> > nothing in the rules to indicate otherwise.  IOW, MA's in my campaign deal
> > damage exactly as if they had a big club, which doesn't seem too out of
> > line.
> >
> > B.D. Flory
> Player's Guide, Pg. 135:
> "If an attacker doesn't have a weapon, he gets no extra damage dice for the
> noggin or gizzards."
> and (sort of related):
> Player's Guide, pg 133:
> "No Weapon: When a character has no weapons, or in the rare case where a
> critter has no extra damage dice besides its Strength, it simply cannot
> penetrate anything with an Armor Value of 1 or more. Occasionally, the
> Marshal may rule that really massive varmints may cause damage anyway, but
> such should be exceptions covered in the monster's description."
> To me, those say, no bonus dice and no Armor penetration for a martial
> artist--short of some sort of power that allows it.
> John

I treat martial artists as having a weapon for their unarmed strikes.  As an extreme example, Bruce Lee
hands struck with around 1100 or so psi.  His kicks were rated around 1000 psi.
If that kind of force won't get through Armor, why would a knife or club wielded by someone with 2d6

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