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Re: [DL] Improving Chi Powers (John Goff)

> I defiantly agree.  I just have 2 questions:
> 1-are you gonna keep Chi like Chi or make it like strain and adjust costs
> 2-If keep it as per, are you gonna keep using the spirit coordination or
> the Chi (aptitude) level? The latter makes more sense to me but thats just
> my opinion.

In a perfect world, I'd move it to Strain (especially since when Martial
Arts make their appearance in HOE they'll be "Strained" to keep in line with
the setting's other ABs, and to reflect centuries of refinement under the
increased access to the Hunting Grounds). However, I'm loath to make a major
change to a rule set--especially one with as many loyal fans as Robin's
Martial Arts.

Short of an act of God (or Shane <g>), it will stay the way it is. I'm going
to have to consider the Chi situation as far as Spirit Coordination and
Aptitude level. While the latter makes for a smoother flow, it does help
limit massive Chi banking. :-)
