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Re: [DL] The Agency

--- John Goff <JohnGoff@deadlands.com> wrote:
> > One question:  I would have expected somewhere in
> the
> > player's section instruction or information about
> what
> > to do with expired agent.  Wouldn't this be the
> groups
> > biggest security leak?
> That's pretty much covered by combining the overall
> EO 347 directive and the
> instructions under classification Class 1-d,
> revenants. Take that as you
> will. :-)

What I ment was... is there a standard operating
procedure for disposing of bodies of people/agents who
have just died (not refering to the living dead).  Ie,
do agents ghoulishly chop up their fallen comrades
after a battle to insure they don't rise again, or do
they take a less 'proactive' (I hate that word)
stance, and just bury them like anyone else, only
taking action when they do return from the grave?

-Munch Wolf

oh, btw, forgot to mention... the book has an Index in
the back so that it's easier to find references. 
Wheeee! About dan' time.

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