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[DL] Thoughts on Adventures


  How many of you folks have gotten a chance to look at Ghost Busters? I've
a quick question and I'd like some feedback from you guys.

  What do you think about the "voting" option we've included in the back of
the adventure?

  For anyone that's not picked up the adventure yet <subliminal: buy it
now--wow, this doen't work as well in text...>, what we've done is include a
small coupon of sorts. On it, the Marshal marks the results of his posse's
adventure and sends it in; when the deadline passes, we count up the
results, and let the solution of the majority determine the "official"
course of events in the Weird West setting.

  Also, the group can send in a short write-up of their adventure. We'll
select one of the stories from among those which match the majority vote and
publish it in an upcoming Epitaph, and that posse gets the credit in the
"official" setting storyline.

  Basically, we want to let the players take as large a part in the
evolution of the setting as possible, and this seemed the best way to do it.

