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Re: [DL] yet more Diablo questions (Allan/Goff)

> Back to work...
> ;-)
> > One of my posse faced a Diablo last night and miraculously (read: I
> > to take off the PC's two remaining Wind from blood loss) survived.  As a
> > result of this fight, here's a couple Diablo questions and then three
> > non-Diablo questions:
> >
> > S
> > P
> > O
> > I
> > L
> > E
> > R
> >
> >
> > S
> > P
> > A
> > C
> > E
> >
> >
> > 1) Given that Diablos give a point of Grit to Harrowed as Coup, should
> > Harrowed also be awarded a point of Grit for the encounter?  I ask
> 2
> > Grit seems like it may be a little much for one encounter, even if one
> point
> > is from Coup (and it wasnt even his Diablo!).
> >
> I've never been sure about that one. If you can come up with a different
> idea--that's fine by me. :-)

How about giving a point of Guts to the recipient instead?  On that note,
should the Diablos have a Guts score? It doesn't make sense for them not to,
being direct servants of the Reckoners and whatnot.

> > 2) If this character decided to use the Diablo's hide to make a duster,
> > could she also get gloves and boots out of it?  What do you think it
> > look like?  Would it be that blue reptilian hide it shows (possibly
> gaining
> > the attention of the Pinks- still in 1876), or would it smooth out a bit
> and
> > look a bit more natural?
> >
> Here's an easy answer: The corpse "goes away" after a time: disappears,
> dissolves into a puddle of goo, turns into a normal cow, or just fades out
> of sight. I think it would be too obvious an indicator for the Reckoners
> leave laying around. That said, a light armor -2 or -4 duster from the
> might be cool...

O.K., but is there enough of the hide to where she could also get boots and
gloves outof it, or is it not that big?  Does the skin look close enough to
reptilian that she could get away with telling people it's from some freak
'gator, or is it just too unnatural?

Nick "<SATAN>MOO!</SATAN>" Zachariasen