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Re: [DL] only a little OT, or not even, really.

> Also, Call of Cthulhu in the '90's sucks.  SPAS shotguns and Nightgaunts
> do not mix.  Uh, that is, they don't mix to the benefit of the
> Nightgaunts.

I tend to disagree with you. 90s is fun when the players all think they can
walk away with their lives or their sanity or put a little too much faith in
their guns. I just think that the setting is ripe for the mysteriousness of
the Mythos and the helplessness of humanity.

Chris Aniballi
Well, it's ripe with the helplessness of humanity, at any rate
The piano is firewood, Times Square is a dream
I find we'll lay down together in the cold, cold ground
Tom Waits - "Cold Cold Ground"