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Re: [DL] Universities and Mad Science

In a message dated 8/16/00 6:05:49 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
munchwolf@yahoo.com writes:

<< oint of thought, just how obvious is a Mad Scientist?
  Sure if he's riding around on a steam wagon, toting a
 flamethrower he'll stick out in a crowd, but what if
 he didn't have any gadgets with him?  How easy would
 he be to spot and identify as a MS, as opposed to a
 regular scientist or university professor? >>

     IIRC, doesn't ghost rock leave a dark, oily stain on skin? Although mads 
who don't work with GR or who are careful about wearing work gloves would 
look just like other scientists, mad scientists who aren't as scrupulous 
about cleanliness could be identified by their jet-black fingers.


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