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RE: [DL] Marshal Fudging (was: Are We Doing It Correctly?

>but I almost never fudge...I have only a couple times in my Marshalling, as

>much for my Posse as against.  

I hear ya!
Typically, I end up fudging a roll (or throwing away action cards) so that I
don't kill a posse member when they don't deserve to die.  (For example, a
"Chip soaker" encounter...)

Of course, there is the *occasional* time when the Big Bad Guy (tm) would
have gotten dropped by one lucky shot in the first combat action ("17 wounds
to the HEAD!" chunka-chunka...ohh...reroll...ohh...reroll....Holy
crap!...reroll...counts with fingers..."He DODGES!")

>My rule: if a Marshal would be happy playing the game he runs, great.  I 
>run a game I'd love to play in.  Often, tho not always (there are glaring 
>exceptions), this is a sign of a Good Marshal.  

Assuming, of course, that this is the type of game the Players want to play
in, as well...
