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Re: [DL] 2 Kid's (Mr Long)

At 03:47 PM 8/28/2000 +0000, you wrote:
>>     I certainly can't recommend this solution across the board, but I
>> if someone were paying me to work on the problem, I could devise a
>> that would be universally workable. :)
>While you are at it, how's about revamping hexslingers just to widen 
>the boundary between them and hucksters and making them more 
>unique? ;-)
>"Still tryin' to get this ol' horse to move"

I posted a couple of really, really, really long posts about a year or so
ago, converting Castle Falkenstein's Spellslingers from Six guns and
Sorcery into a system that made sense for Deadlands. They _should_ still be
in the archives somewhere...
