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Re: [DL] Pinnacle sold...

>Should Hasbro/WotC take over PEG, however indirectly, there will be no
>drastic drop in product quality provided PEG's staff remains untouched.

Point there. WotC *did* keep D&D, the forefather of modern roleplaying
[this comes from someone that is more than glad to tell you how much and
why T$R sucked], from disappearing and revamped the system to make it
work after 20 years. And made it good enough to get me back into the
game after ten years away from it. 

I don't see Hasbro trying to buy Pinnacle, but you never know.
Hopefully, in the unlikely occurence that it does happen, they'll have
sense enough to leave something that works well alone.

"You know you've found the woman of your dreams when she says you can
'tap her mana'."