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RE: [DL] Cheap terrain

> -----Original Message-----
> Downloaded it, haven't looked at it yet, but I followed
> their link to the armyman page and a big duh factor
> hit me upside the head.  Has anyone gone to Toys-r-Us
> or some kids toy store and bought the little plastic
> cowboys to use as miniatures for DLs?  Do they still
> have them?  If so, how effective are they?

I bought a set of Cowboys and Indians to get my hands on some of the terrain
and vehicle pieces (boxes, barrels, fires, wagons, etc.) but the figures
were very out of scale when set beside the miniatures (I bagged them up and
gave them to Goodwill and kept the stuff I wanted/needed.).  I suppose with
some painting they would do OK but you would have to do a lot of alterations
to create a Mad Scientist or female figure.  (Of course, that assumes you
care about such things.  However, if you are looking for fairly inexpensive
and quick, I would go with the Cardstock Cowboys.)

I also found them very hard to find where I live.
