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[DL] Throwin' specializations

Hi guys, I'm hoping you can help clear this up a bit. 
What are the specializations for Throwin', in -both-
the 1876 and 1877 rules?  I'm asking for both because
we still play with '76 rules but we're getting close
to New Year's and the Marshall might want to use the
'77 ones in advance.

For 1877, I think, they become aerodynamic and

For '76, I'm pretty sure they're by object or type,
like :lariat, :bottle, :stunned Mexican... :)

I haven't been able to locate much digging through the
books other than examples in archtypes, so any help
would be appreciated!

Marguerite of EMGB, otherwise known as Maggie Jensen

p.s.  Did anyone else realize that there's a full moon
on Halloween in 1876??!?!?!



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