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Re: [DL] Dragons

The one variation of this I really liked was the fact that Loco hindrance 
is the belief that he thinks that he was raised by dragons AND that he's a 
Texas Ranger.

I can just see the look on Ketchum's face when he runs into this guy.  :-)

I can even see the Ranger's letting me get away with it - after all, with 
this loon around who's going to be looking for the real Rangers.  :-)

Though - the badge he was "issued" would have to be patently fake - the 
Ranger's aren't going to go THAT far.

Which means you would almost need a real Ranger in the party - but a Ranger 
acting undercover.  That way whenever the player tries to act with 
authority, the real Ranger can slyly give support.  For example, when the 
player tries to pull rank on a Confederate sheriff and the sheriff starts 
to tell him to stick that phony badge where the sun don't shine, the real 
Ranger - standing behind the loony - can flash his real badge and wink, 
letting the sheriff in the "joke."