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Re: [mild spoilers] Re: [DL] The Big Picture - History Channel: Way of the Gun

--- "Silverman, Sandor (LNG-MBC)"
<Sandor.Silverman@bender.com> wrote:
> >My only intent was to remind our gentle readers
> that, no offense intended
> here, America
> >is not the center of the universe. The Reckoning
> was a global event in my
> eyes with global repercussions.
> No offense taken, but I must respectfully disagree.

Gonna have to counter disagree.  We're not talking a
static bubble here.  Events outside the US affect what
is happening inside the US.

For example, I was watching the history channel the
other day, Way of the Gun (interesting show), and
mostly they were talking about Smith and Wesson.  The
interesting part ... well there were lots, but I want
to focus on one weird thread.  After the civil war
they were suffering financally, so they got together
with Tiffany's of New York, dazzled up a few guns and
took them to a show in France.  It was there where a
Russian Duke (or was it newphew of the Tzar, or is it
the same thing?) saw the guns and was able to get the
approval of the purchase of 20,000 units.  After those
units were bought the Russian Duke came to the states
to visit S&W and place an order for 20,000 more guns
with slightly different specs.  During the time he was
in the states he hung out with Buffalo Bill, and to
impress the Duke, Buffalo Bill put on a show which was
the precursor to his Wild West Show.

Now if the civil war had not ended, S & W would
probably not have to go look for new markets, nor
would they have sold the guns to the russians (the
logic coming from the fact they had a max cap on how
many guns they could make, and those would go to the
war effort), nor would the Duke come to the states,
nor would Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show get started

Sure, the West is the center of the game, but it's not
the only game in town and world events are important

-Munch "the above facts my not be 100% correct as they
are from recollection only, I'm sure Chris can correct
me on my inaccuracies" Wolf

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