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Re: [DL] Forum on GO

> >When did the "official" Deadlands forum become a paid site? What kind of
> >horse-puck is this!?!
> I think that was a decision made by the folks at Gaming Outpost, and its
> doubtful that Pinnacle was contacted.

Basically, from what I understand, GO- like any website these days- wasn't
making a lot of money off advertising, so they were having a hard time
making ends meet for things like postage (for sending out review material)
and web hosting.  Therefore, they switched over to a subscription model.  I
think they were going to try to keep the fee low (something like a dollar a
month, but I could be quite wrong on that).  It was more or less a survival
thing to make sure GO could keep going.

Nick Zachariasen
Editor Emeritus
Trojan Times