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Re: That Character just ain't right - was [DL] Looking for random help


> So let me throw it back at y'all.  Are your experiences similar?  Do you
> even care about "Character Development"?  (As a Marshall this one is key
> for me - heck its what I like when playing, too)

Well, our posse started out pretty "normal" by Deadlands standards, and the
level of "horror" was also pretty low.

We tend to emphasise character development a lot more than most other gamers
I've met, and a fairly detailed first­person background is pretty much a
prerequisite for any new character joining the posse.

Lately, now that we've become a lot more familiar with Deadlands, there's been a
trend of developing a few more "supernatural" aspects to the characters (we had
a Huckster for a while, but then the character development went sour, he turned
to the Dark Side, killed another PC, and it was all bad). However, the
supernatural part still tends to be understated in the PCs (we like to let the
monsters be weirder than us), and lately there's been a lot more emphasis on
"evil" people, instead of large monsters.

Otherwise, character development is the name of the game with us. Frankly, it's
not as interesting a game if the adventure is generic and doesn't allow for
personality and background to come through. Of course, I believe I'm preaching
to the choir here. ;)

When a man is wrapped up in himself, he makes a very small package.
                                -John Ruskin