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RE: [DL] Swarms of Ticks? (Critter spoiler?)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-deadlands@gamerz.net [mailto:owner-deadlands@gamerz.net]On
> Behalf Of William Ogden
> Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2001 2:00 PM
> To: deadlands@gamerz.net
> Subject: [DL] Swarms of Ticks? (Critter spoiler?)
> Ivan's swarm post reminded me of this, I'd been meaning to post it for a
> while.
> Spoiler space
> Prarie Ticks in the original game are kind of useless once the
> posse knowns
> to cover their mouths.  in that case, they do ST brawling damage,
> but when
> your ST is d4, the posse will never take any wind.
> IMC, I'd say that Prarie Ticks can swarm, each 4 does d6 damage.
> It takes 5
> rats to do d6, but rats don't have big ol' mandibles.
This is good.  But in the old rules, brawling damage wasn't an opposed roll,
was it?  These buggers could be declared to just do ST wind directly, no
opposed roll -- all that twistin' and shovin' to keep the persistent bug
outta yer pie hole can leave a cowpoke all tuckered.

I guess these adjustments would depend on how many of the things you throw
at your posse.  If you send 5 or 6 per PC, then d4 wind per bug is harsh.
If it's just one or two, then it's not so bad.  Especially if the PC has any
Fightin' skill, plus defensive bonus for melee weapons, and is therefore
really hard to hit.

Jeff Y.