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Re: [DL] Swarms of Ticks? (Critter spoiler?)

--- William Ogden <w_ogden@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Ivan's swarm post reminded me of this, I'd been
> meaning to post it for a 
> while.
> Spoiler space
> Prarie Ticks in the original game are kind of
> useless once the posse knowns 
> to cover their mouths.  in that case, they do ST
> brawling damage, but when 
> your ST is d4, the posse will never take any wind.

Prarie Ticks don't really brawl though.  Just do it as
normal damage.  Roll d4 and see if you get any wounds,
and then if you don't apply 1d6 wind per pg 103 of the
players guide.

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