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[DL] More Newbie Questions

Thanks everyone who responded to my previous post - the more I think about
it, the more I will insist on the cards and the chips.  From what I read,
they seem to work very well in the game.

Here are some more questions.

1. The Quick and the Dead - I have a copy of the Marshals Handbook (bought
with my 1st edition rulebook which adds to my frustration).  Is the Q&D the
first edition of the Marshals Handbook or was it something else.  If it had
additional info in it, has any other sourcebook reprinted this info since
Q&D seems to be out of print.

2. On Pinnacle's On-Line Store, the listing for Texarcana says it "presents
and expands up the rules for martial arts... found in our popular boxed
sets".  Are the rules reprinted there or do I need the boxed sets. - I want
the rules but have chosen to buy the boxed sets and regional sourcebooks
last (focusing on more rules oriented books first).


Stephen Esdale (sesdale@cable.redden.on.ca)

Cry woe, destruction, ruin, and decay:
The worst is death, and death will have his day.
                          -  William Shakespeare
                              Richard II, Act 3, Scene 2