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RE: [DL] Rules Tinkerin': Fate Chips

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-deadlands@gamerz.net [mailto:owner-deadlands@gamerz.net]On
> Behalf Of Alan De Smet
> Sent: Monday, October 29, 2001 12:05 PM
> To: deadlands@gamerz.net
> Subject: [DL] Rules Tinkerin': Fate Chips
> I recently finished running a Deadlands campaign and I'm gearing
> up to run another one.  My experiences have led me to consider
> tinkerin' with the rules a bit.  I'm curious to see what other
> members on the list think of the changes I'm considering.  Has
> anyone else tried similar changes?  Does anyone have better
> ideas?  Perhaps my descriptions of why I'm considering these
> changes will reveal that I'm overlooking more fundamental issues
> in my games.  I'll break my ideas into different messages to keep
> them from getting too out of control.
> This message, fate chips.  Fate chips are used for three things:
> improving rolls, minimizing damage, and increasing attributes
> (through conversion to bounty).  My players have consistently
> avoided spending fate chips whenever possible.  They'll
> grudgingly buy off wounds and the occasional wind.  They almost
> never improve rolls.  I can't remember the last time I got to
<snip for space>

Well, your solution is OK if you don't want to try to change the way your
game "feels."  I wouldn't go so far as to drop the chip cap, tho.  Well,
maybe.  If they didn't spend the chips on wounds/rolls before, having fewer
to work with shouldn't hinder them too much.

Another way to try it (if you are feeling extra bloodthirsty) is to just
beat the posse up incredibly.  They either chip the wounds, or risk all the
issues of having multiple critical wounds (wind/blood loss, -4 on EVERY
roll, being winded and useless as anything but a target...).  They may not
chip these wounds right away, since that's the habit they've started.  Then
tell 'em that they miss their Shootin'/Fightin'/Throwin' TNs by just a bit -
say because of unchipped wounds (which they can't chip now, time has moved
past that).  So if they want to start hurtin' the enemy, they had better
start using chips to counter wound penalties.  Generally beat them into
using chips or not winning combats.

And if they don't get it right away, they don't have to be killed.  Beat
them down, then capture them.  Let the escape be part of the fun - they'll
probably need to chip some rolls to counter the wounds they still have...

Jeff "Chip or die!" Y.
Marshal for the Dynamite Gang