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Re: [DL] Films and inspiration

Just saw Gunfighter's Moon on TNN last night. Great film. Lance Henriksen
should be in every western. One odd thing: The "Bad Guy" was wearing Lance's
Ace O' Spades boots from Quick & the Dead =]. Anyway pretty basic story a la
Unforgiven, but what it lacks in originality it makes up for in style. Heavy
use of Overawe skill by Henriksen. My posse still hasn't caught on to Test
O' Wills, even after I use them to great affect against them. They don't see
how it could work. Forced my fiancee to re-watch a few scenes from the movie
last night so I could say "See, _that's_ how it works!"

Some oft overlooked films:
Dead Man (1996) - great source for dealing with Harrowed nightmares
Los Locos (1998) - Mario van Peebles as an escapee from a looney bin! in the
Cannibal: The Musical (1996) - The sky is blue, and all the leaves are
Ravenous (1999) - don't eat before seeing this. Especially BBQ. Redefined
"Wendigo" in my campaign.
Little Big Man (1970) - Funny. Watch Dustin Hoffman play nearly every
"character class" in the game.

The problem with using films for inspiration is that most of my posse have
seen every Western out there and would recognize the plot instantley. Maybe
I should switch to Meg Ryan movies. "Sleepless in Gomorra." Yeah they'd love
that ;-]

Matt "never drink and post" the Drifter