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Re: [DL] Re: [DLd20] Mad Science Skill

> In Deadlands d20, there's a skill called "Mad Science". Reasonably
> enough, it's an exclusive skill for mad scientists (p. 48). My question
> is: What does it do? According to the rulebook, a mad scientists doesn't
> need that skill at all. On p. 114 it says that, to devise the blueprint
> for a new device, you need the appropriate Knowledge skill (engineering,
> biology or whatever). Then, to build it, you need Tinkerin'. So, what
> exactly (if anything), do you need Mad Science for?

It looks like you're running from 1st Edition.  In Revised, Mad Scientists
work off their Mad Science skill (which is under Knowledge).  Every Arcane
Background works this way now for simplicity's sake.  I think the way the
Science concentrations figure into it now is that you get a +2 to your roll
if you have the appropriate Science, but you make your roll to devise a
blueprint using your Mad Science Aptitude.

Nick Zachariasen
Editor Emeritus
Trojan Times