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Re: [DL] Stigma (was announcement).

the MS in my game developed an alternate personality which was female.  He 
mostly just wore a dress occasionally.

>From: "Nick Zachariasen" <zacharin@pluto.dsu.edu>
>Reply-To: deadlands@gamerz.net
>To: <deadlands@gamerz.net>
>Subject: Re: [DL] Stigma (was announcement).
>Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2002 23:49:19 -0600
> > Well, it all depends on where the cowpoke (no pun intended) is. Sure, in
>You know, this reminds me- I once had a player's Mad Scientist develop in
>game (as the result of drawing a Black Joker during the design process) a
>hankerin' fer horses (and sheep, etc.).  He got blowed up real good that
>same session, but it was still funny while it lasted.  I decided it was a
>Loco 5.  I just thought I'd share that because I figured this angle would
>eventually come up.
>Nick "Aww, George- not the livestock." Zachariasen
>Editor Emeritus
>Trojan Times
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