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[DL] Hope Mongers

1)Hope mongers as a posse.
2)Hope levels

1)I had been thinking on a charater concept in which 
a pinkerton agent chooses to not join the agency 
during the switch over. The charater knows about a 
lot of whats going on, haveing been a administrator 
who reviewed files instead of a field agent. The 
charater finds out about liveing legends and relics 
and decides the best way to fight the good fight is 
to make some of these of his own. Step one would be 
to create a legend of a gunfighter that never dies, a 
hero that always saves the day, the 
archtypical white hat. Step two would be to give him 
a shiney gun with a cool name so that if the liveing 
legend progect fails they at least get relic gun that 
might mess with horrors. At some point he has to 
recruit someone who can live up to the legend he is 
trying to create, a kick-ass gunfighter who both acts 
and looks like a dime novel hero. The agent then has 
to make sure that the here always looks good, never 
screws up, and is replaced by a look-a-like if he 
gets wasted. This leads to a situation in which you 
got one Lone Ranger like hero traveling alone, 
followed by a Agency like Black-Ops team who helps 
the hero kill horrors without anyone seeing them, so 
that everyone belives he can't be beat.They would 
also heal the hero so that everyone belives he can't 
be hurt, as well as talking to witnesses to any of 
his screw ups so that everyone belives he can't do 
By these methods it could be possible to create some 
or more of the following effects: A liveing lengends 
independent of the posse. A liveing lengend 
incarnated as a charater. A relic gun, mask or even a 
relic name (everybody knows the Cisco kid can't die 
by a bullet)that can be passed from one charater to 
the next. A relic production line of relic guns that 
gain powers by being used by the hero much like wyatt 
earps badges.(I think thats the guy whose badges gain 
powers just by being worn by him for a while)

2)What if the Fear level table could go into 
negatives and start climbing up a Hope level chart.
At low levels it can give players and all NPCs 
bonuses to thier gut checks ("I ain't running, ifen 
the Boise boys can shoot up walking dead then so can 
I")and at higher levels it can force the Marshall to 
lose fate chips ("You picked the wrong town Mr Stone, 
get em' boys")