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RE: [DL] DeadLands d20 ... love it? hate it?

At 03:11 PM 3/25/2002 -0500, you wrote:
 >When d20 hit the streets, I was all about loving it.  I though it was
 >the best thing since sliced bread, except for Deadlands classic, of
 >course.  I saw a lot of potential there for d20 in all its incarnations,
 >but as time has gone on, I've come to a conclusion: d20 works
 >wonderfully for Fantasy, but lacks for most any other genre.

I have to disagree - at least the part about working for fantasy.

Very few fantasy novels I know of allow the hero to get away with being 
stabbed 19 times with a sword, and if he ever was stabbed with a sword - it 
slowed him down and hurt his ability to do things, and it slowed him down 
right away.

 >In the end though, its all about preference.  I prefer Classic
 >Deadlands.  Others like d20 Deadlands.  To each, his own.  And to
 >Pinnacle, the profits.

But there is always that.  And, given that this is a hobby, that is all 
that truly matters.

Allan Seyberth
Deadlands fan site - http://www.darious.com/

Any sufficiently advanced bug is indistinguishable from a feature.
                 -Rich Kulawiec