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RE: [DL] Quick note: Barnes & Nobles

At 11:27 PM 7/28/2002, Mr. Mark Chiddicks wrote:
>I don't think you can claim that classes and levels are  'the most popular 
>mechanic' - they barely exist outside D&D.

         Claiming that classes and levels "barely exist" outside of *the #1 
best-selling game of all time*, and that that some how disqualifies them 
from being the most popular mechanic is, with respect, sheer sophistry.
         If more people buy A instead of the remainder of the alphabet, A 
is the most popular. The vast majority of gamers vote with their dollars, 
and they vote for classes and levels. They could go elsewhere for fantasy, 
they could go elsewhere for systems, but they don't. Never have, and never 

>  Now I accept thats the most popular GAME, but its a big stretch to claim 
> that classes and levels are the REASON for its success.

         I never made such a claim. Please go re-read my post.

>  I think if you want to find a popular MECHANIC you have to see which new 
> systems have done well over the years. Classes and levels featured in 
> pretty much none of them.

         Again, except for the #1 BEST-SELLING ROLE-PLAYING GAME OF ALL 
TIME. Yeah, once THAT'S out of the equation, no one wants to play classes 
and levels.
         Other games have omitted classes and levels. All of them combined 
do not sell half as well as the game that uses it.

>To say Classes and Levels is a popular mechanic because they are part and 
>parcel of the most popular game (and no other) is much like claiming 
>airline food is the world's most popular type of restaurant meal because 
>so many people eat it!

         Your example is, again with all due respect, sheer sophistry. You 
don't have a choice on an airplane; you do with RPGs. Gamers choose a class 
and level system over all other options. Always have, always will.

         If you wish to continue this, please email me privately. I would 
have done so here, but your misquotation of my original mail on the list 
made a public reply regrettably neccessary.

Deo Vindice,
Mr. Christopher L. McGlothlin, M.Ed.

Educator & Freelance RPG Writer
Member, Academy of Adventure Gaming Arts & Design
Moderator of the New Gamers Order Listserver

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--Charlie Meadows (John Goodman), _Barton Fink_