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[DL] SW, D20 etc

Savage Worlds looks like it takes the best features of the Deadlands rules and gets rid of the clutter - that is excellent. I am a little worried though that it will lack Deadlands' undoubted strength which is to be tied to a rich, inspiring game world. Genuinely generic games always lack a little flavour. If the Pinnacle guys can produce a genuinely intriguing setting to set the game in, then they will have a winner, otherwise....
D20 is a success because D&D already exists and has a well-established (if slightly vague) setting - beholders and carrion crawlers are a part of popular culture now! Almost all the players who play D20 go there via D&D - indeed I doubt that Pinnacle or Chaosium or the other companies doing D20 versions of existing games are expecting converts from their 'classic' systems - they are trying to recruit D&Ders
Savage Worlds is in danger of being a D20 without a D&D - that isn't going to work, give us a setting as cool as the Weird West and it could be a winner.