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[DL] Power in the hunting grounds

Ok, I'm back again and I need help. I know, why don't you guys just write my 
adventures for me....

Oh yeah, totally spoiler stuff. Dealing with the hunting grounds and the 
powers that be. So get!!












Background info...
A huckster has begun to see what's up in the hunting grounds. Now he did 
this because while he was casting a spell he observed someone watching him 
in the hunting grounds. So he tried to bring up the image of the person 
while still in the hunting grounds. Using the power there around him. I 
didn't really allow this, tho I let him try. Which he then forgot about the 
manitou he was playing cards with and it attacked! He survives and later on 
tries it again. He goes at it this way... He contacts the grounds, but 
doesn't want a manitou there. So he creates his area, a gambling boat. He 
states, "I envision creating my normal area, but without any Manitous. I 
then open myself up to the power of the hunting grounds." I just smile and 
bend him over. "So you open yourself up to the hunting grounds?" "yeah" 
ok..... so I draw a card for the manitou and got a black joker. I wasn't 
expecting this and decided this was something big. I figure he pushing into 
things he does not know. I'm not going to hose him horribly but enough to 
let him know that this is dangerous stuff. So his area is shattered when 
this hulking manitou steps in and says lunch. After a few spirit rolls and 
chips spent he is able to break contact. However, the manitou reaches out 
with it's six clawed hand and grabs his chest. In the physical world he 
wakes to find his chest burning with six fingers burned into his chest. Now 
the fun begins.

Some of you probably don't see ppl able to do this. I enjoy the idea of the 
whole demon thing and trying to deal with them. Please put aside that belief 
cause I could sure use some input.

Now this manitou (haven't named him yet, ideas?) wants to lull the huckster 
over to the reckoners while still enjoying their contact.
Of course the player is totally leary but I know he won't be able to help 
himself taste a little of the powers available....

The first phase, develop trust.... have the PC draw a card, that card is now 
considered a joker of sorts. While casting a hex if that card is drawn red, 
I give the huckster another card, free of charge! If it's black, the final 
hand is dropped one level. I envision this as when the PC contacts the 
grounds his manitou is the dealer.

Second phase, the new jokers are just that, jokers. Now the manitou is 
whispering in his ear what his opponent has in his hand.

Third phase, after a roll, but before he looks at his cards, the PC can on a 
second action challenge the manitou to a game of cards. Hexslingin vs. 7. 
Success and raise gets him extra cards. If all three black jokers are drawn 
then I get to spend a chip for control like Dominion for harrowed.

Anyway, that's my idea. What do you think? Too powerful, not enough, give me 
some good atmosphere ideas, etc. Thanks all.

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