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Re: [DL] Deadlands Inspirations (WAS New Western comic (kinda OT) )

On Thursday, December 12, 2002, at 09:20  AM, Marshal Mike wrote:

> A great series to read is the Stephen King Dark Tower
> series.
> If you haven't read it (I haven't read all of it yet),
> pick up the first book, The Gunslinger, and you'll be
> hooked.

I have to ask this, but am I the only one who DIDN'T like this book? It 
was a very frustrating read, and the payoff was negligible... Of 
course, my favorite part of Hearts in Atlantis was the Dark Tower 
references which were apaprently removed for the movie... I've though 
about picking up the second book in the series, but the first one left 
a bad taste in my mouth.

> Once again, this is more fantasy, but has a wasted
> west kind of feeling to it.
> OH, and it's been confirmed that the Trigun manga WILL
> be released domestically (for those who care).

As for movies, I've been watching Mad Max this week to get in the mood 
for my HoE game this weekend.., After this adventure is done, i'll be 
running classic Deadlands, so I've got some Clint Eastwood and other 
westerns in the Netflix que.

And Army of Darkness is always an inspiration. Always.

Oh... I watched Dead Alive last week to get ready for The Two Towers 
(which i got to see last night at a special showing, thus explaining my 
current high energy level). It has a great inspiration for a Deadlands 