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RE: [DL] Re: SW 'Review'

From: "RedFox Whiteruff" <redfox@crimsonvulpine.com>

Because the line is ending and the game is getting a new edition in a
totally different system.  It seems a valid reason to discuss Deadlands on
the Deadlands listserv as any.  ;)

i agree, and in the spirit of that agreement alow me to disagree. i dont think deadlands is getting a new edition with a totally different system. i think it is getting a tombstone with brail for the markings. and if you could read brail the tombstone would have enscribed upon its face, "here rests deadlands a great setting and system, until peg inc. ran it through the meat grinder called Savage worlds.

Even if I personally think rants are a
waste of everybody's time unless they A: are amusing, and / or B: have more
objective complaints hidden somewhere within.
I didn't find either in this one.  Though I did find a whole lot more
profanity than I'd expected in a mailing list for all ages.  (not a
complaint, mind, just some startlement)

i thought it was funny, but im just like that, and he did say what his complaints were something about the combat system. lets see if i can some it up, ok i can draw a pistol in one had an assault rifle in the other, spin 360 degrees firing the A.R. on full auto and double tapping the pitol (this is all at 4 different targets) then teleport and ninja kick another target, but i cant fire two seperate shots out of one semiauto weapon. that just dosent sit well with crash, and not with me for that matter. i have come to the conclusion that the SW does not handel what i like to play very well, that would be deadlands, and so have expressed myself to my GM, this has not been over one game session but over three seperate adventures so i have given it a chance and it was not over one bad session. but im not that crazy about d20 either, mabye there is a pattern.

I've already made my opinion on Savage Deadlands / Reloaded.  As for Unity,
well...  I've read it, and I think it's a nice adventure.  I like really
dark, nasty adventures for horror games.

ok i ran the unity and for the guy who gets to read everything and learn all the secrets of what is going on behind the scenes, no it isnt that bad, in fact it is pretty cool. i remeber a part of the book says that by a certain part of the adventure the players should have been laughing a lot because it was so over the top. well my players were not laughing, i wasnt laughing, it was just to much. the unity is gorry....yes, dark....no, scarry......no, fun.......no. in fact the players that played it under me say the coolest thing in the adventure was something that i added and wasnt even in the book.

I also like really epic, heroes at the apex of the universe type adventures also.

ok if your heros have to be railroaded through an adventure then they arent that heroic. part of being heroic is the desire to do the good deed, and doing it of your own accord. if i stick a shotgun to the back of someones head and tell them to save the world they are not heroic, they are suvivors.

Unity's both. I think
complaining about linearity and railroading in published adventures is
beating a dead horse at this point. If it's non-linear, and non-railroaded,
it's seldom an actual adventure. More like a setting module. That's just
the way it is, and always has been.

ok i did not read the adventure 'something about a sword' but i did play it. and in my opinon it was the best adventure that was ever published for any of the deadlands lines. why? first, we were doing something good, not heroic just good. second, we were doing it of our own accord, simon asked and we could have said no, no big deal someone else would have done it but we had nothing better to do. three, there were acutual npc that had character, they were human and i cared about them, i didnt care about the npc in the unity and i was running the game. and finaly yes it had a set of things that had to be accomplished but from the players perspective it didnt feel like there was a script but like we were in control of we did. we didnt feel railroaded, we might have been but we didn't feel that way. the unity makes your player feel that way and they resent it, at mine did anyway, and it is sad cause it didnt have to be that way. i dont care if the adventure railroads me and is linear, as long as i dont feel like it is.



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