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Re: [DL] My Posse's Legal Problems (long)

> But on the corruption level, consider something. How rich and
> influential are the people who benefit from the posse taking the
> blame? If someone powerful wants the posse convicted, the police are
> likely to go along just to avoid trouble. BUT if the posse are clever
> enough to realize the cops are corrupt, maybe they can come up with a
> big enough bribe to send the investigation into different channels.
> Or at least buy themselves enough time to figure out who really did
> the murder. (they ARE innocent of murder, right? Your explanation
> didn't specifically say.)
> About the robbery, well, maybe they need to stage a jail
> break....After all, they did do that.
> John Gallagher

The whole story is up online - but it's a long winding convoluted path.
 The write ups that tell the story of my posse from our start in 1998
to last Tuesdays session can be found here, latest session goes online
when I get home. The New Orleans stuff is down at the bottom of the


The plot was inspired (ripped off) from a write up by the "Posse with
no name" who's site was down when I lasted looked (which is a crying
shame as the write up's were excellent).  However I threw in my own
twists and turns and complicating factors.  The posse found out who
performed the murder and why, however due to various twists and turns
that were taken to get there, the devious murderers were given the time
to cover their butts.  So, what evidence that still exists that points
irrefutably to the murder is held by those responsible forthe murder
and points to an (almost) innocent person.  Some of the posse knows all
this It also doesn't help that the people that performed the murder
have effectively taken the money and run, abandoning New Orleans about
a week ago in game time.  

<New Orleans Spoilers> 

The death was set up to look like voodoo to prevent the police from
looking too closely.  Which was largely successful and why the posse
were hired to investigate the murder in the first place.  However with
the police now being handed on a plate a passing stranger caught with
evidence that suggests he must have been at the crime scene at or
shortly after the murder, I was wondering if they'd typically leap at
the opportunity to convict someone. Their main motivation would be to
avoid the embarrassment of them being unable to find the killer of one
of New Orleans' rich and well connected businessmen.

I also have the problem that trust in my posse is a rare thing.  Due to
poor choices and people selling their souls to the dark side - the
posse has become slightly split of late - to the point they ended up
killing one of the other PC's.  The two that have been arrested are
firmly on the "good" side of that battle - which means those left that
have greyer souls are unlikely to lift a finger to help them.  A couple
of the other PC's might, but I would be surprised to get a united posse
action to free the others.  I would be surprised if they even
considered a jail break for fear of incrimminating themselves!

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