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[HoE] Tough enough?

Hey all. I picked up HoE a while back and am getting ready to try a game
but wanted to get some opinions from people more familiar with the rule
system than I.

I'm trying to work up some NPCs and I guess my old habits from other
game systems are showing. As I read the rules, the ONLY thing that affects
how much damage you can take is size. So if Timmy Greenhorn with Vigor 1d4
and Dutch "The Rock" Duggan with Vigor 5d12 (both size 6) get shot for 6
of damage, both take 1 wound? Now, Dutch can obviously take more wind than
Timmy, but in terms of wounds the only thing that matters is size, and the
that can be for "normal" people is 7?

My other question is whether there are any guidelines anywhere for what size
translates into? I mean, if I decide the party is up against a 20-foot long
rat, how
do I figure out what size the rat is?


Andrew Ross