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[HoE] HOECG Version 1


     I just finished sending Matt the files for the Hell on Earth Character
Generator, version 1.0 . Hopefully, we'll see the program on PEGs web-site
tomorrow. The HOECG has the same look-and-feel as the DLCG, with appropriate
differences for HOEs rule changes.

     Those familiar with the Deadlands version will notice two major
changes. First, a "go-back" option has finally been included. Second, there
is now a "Marshal Mode", which can be toggled on and off as desired. When
active, this allows the user to cheat in the following ways:

1) Select more than 10 points of Hindrances. Only the first 10 points count
towards adding Edge/Aptitude points, though.
2) Add extra Edge/Aptitude points.
3) Edit final Traits and derived stats (Wind, Pace, etc.)

     These changes will appear in the next version of the DLCG as well. Now
that this one is finally out the door (barring undiscovered bugs), I can get
back to working on the DL version...

     Other requested things (such as Mysterious Past determination, printing
character sheets, and others) will be introduced in the future. Until then,
beware muties bearing gifts!

James Cook