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Re: mime?

>>>I want to avoid a solution that is unworkable for those users.
>well, if i understood at least part of your email correctly, you are
>to program in graphics boards to replace the ascii boards.  the most
>solution is to let the users set their games for either graphics or ascii,
>sort like the way you can choose the large or small chess board.
That sounds perfectly reasonable. Probably the best way to do that would be
for each user to set his own default setting -- ascii or graphical -- for
all boards, then use the show command to see the board in the opposite
format if desired. Since I would use entirely ascii boards, I wouldn't use
this option. The fact that this game server returns text-based emails is the
only thing that makes it workable for me, and I was extremely grateful when
I happened upon it. I wish I could find some other game sites that offered
non-graphical representations, even as an option.
My $0.02,