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Re: Final call for Scrambled Words

It's probably too late to suggest a rule change/enhancement at this point to 
this competition, but in looking at some of the Scramble games I noticed 
that they all appear to contain those words that seem to exist only for the 
sake of Scrabble players, those two-letter combinations that never occur in 
a real conversation.  Given this, I wonder if you might not be better off 
restricting yourselves to those words four letters and longer, as suggested 
for all word games in the wonderful book of word games Botticelli and Beyond 
(containing mostly children's games, but a good 10-12 of very complex 
abstract strategy games using words, including Sid Sackson's Last Word, for 

Just a thought,
User ID = dissembles

----Original Message Follows----
From: Cameron Browne <browne@research.canon.com.au>
To: pbmserv-users@gamerz.net
Subject: Final call for Scrambled Words
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2002 10:08:37 +1000


This is the final call for entries in the Scrambled Words competition. The 
goal is to write a short story using words from any Scramble game.

Judging will take place sometime over the next month between soccer matches, 
timed carefully so as to not overshadow the culmination of that minor 
sporting event in Japan and South Korea.

Don't feel embarrassed about submitting imperfect work, it's actually quite 
a difficult competition. Winning entries won't be published unless authors 
indicate that they're happy to do so.

Here are the rules again:


The Scrambled Words Tournament


1. Participants must submit a sentence or paragraph containing every word 
played by any player during any game of Scramble.

2. The most concise, coherent and amusing entry will win.

3. The game must have been completed to the last move, not forfeited.

4. The words may be used in random order (easy) or the order in which they 
were played (hard).

5. The words may be taken from the list of words actually played by the 
player (slightly easier) or the longer list of total words formed by the 
player during the game (slightly harder).

6. All words formed by all players may be used (extremely hard).

7. Anything else you can think of :) Special consideration will be given to 
entries that satisfy more difficult sets of constraints.

8. Entries can be submitted to camb (browne@research.canon.com.au) along 
with a board summary of the game used. Anyone can enter.


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