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[pbmserv] Broadcast from dshort via PBM Server

I want to again make a pitch to get people to sign up for the new tournaments
which I wish to soon organize in OMEGACHESS and DOUBLECHESS. While I am not
yet ready to commit to the exact formats these events will take, it is likely that they
will be round-robin events with a preliminary round and a later finals round.
The time control will be 1 move per 7 days. There are advantages and disadvantages to
using this system. (and depending upon whether you like slow or fast time controls
you will look at the following as either advantages or disadvantages)
It forces players to move more quickly. There is no overall cap or total time limit on the game.
Players who are on the vacation list will not be required to move and cannot time default.
Players will be allowed to be on the vacation list for 30 days per 365 days from the start
of their games. When a player requests to be put on the vacation list all of their games
cease ticking against them. What I am trying to say is that if you need to be on vacation
for longer than that for your other games, request of Richard the dates you want to be
on vacation, but players who do not move for 37 consecutive days will first be warned to
submit a move within one week or be withdrawn from the tournament.
While I have your attention, I would like to remind all enthusiasts of Doublechess to
please post their comments about this variant at
click on the link that says "provide feedback on this page" at the bottom of the page
to submit your comments. You can also send in your sample games of Doublechess
from this server for publication to editors@chessvariants.com
Lastly, I don't usually draw much attention to some of the other chess variants which
I have invented and had published at www.chessvariants.com
but I would like to let people know about a game I have invented which I am really
fond of. It's called EXISTENTIALIST CHESS at it can be found at
and it can be played through the GAME COURIER system on this site at
and click on the link for "Existentialist Chess" below the line which
reads "Preset for Existentialist Chess"
Anyone unfamiliar with the Game Courier system can check it out at
and once you have established a userid and password there,
feel free to email me at DavidNYJfan@hotmail.com with your userid
and I'll be happy to set up games of Existentialist Chess with any and all challengers.

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