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Re: [PyrNet-L] Re:Shaving Pyrs

> Thanks Adrianne,  
> I still would like to know what a Honey Bear Clip is,  did I miss the
> <G> 
> Sandy

If I'm not mistaken, it's the same thing or similiar to what my Mom refers
to as a "puppy cut" which they do to their Shih Zsu (geez, I could never
spell that <G>). They keep him trimmed to about 2" all over. It always
looks fluffy, clean and easy to manage. In a Pyr, you might want to leave
it a little longer?

If someone felt the need to clip a Pyr, perhaps just trimming the legs,
belly and "skirt" area to a shorter, more manageable length instead of the
whole dog? Those are the areas that get the dirtiest and are the hardest to
keep nice.  Just a thought.

Deb Frost
Anchorage, AK