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Re: [PyrNet-L] And Now To Bed...

MJB wrote:
> A question for all those whose Pyr's are household pets (that
> is, you don't have a set of kennels with several animals kept
> mainly for breeding):
> Where does your pet Pyr sleep?
> Love to all
> Michael Bishop
> [Agarthan@one.net.au]
> Brisbane, Australia


We have two rescues (Sasha & Cottee) plus a Rough Collie called Sam. 

Sam previously kept guard by lying on the mat just inside the front foor
but since the arrival of the Pyrs he has taken to sleeping under a
curtain covering the patio doors (in the lounge/living room). Sasha (our
first Pyr) decided that a corner of the dining room was fine. This is
okay except for the fact that the carpet is/was dark blue and white hear
really shows up. We have put a bed in the dining room for her. Our
latest acquisition (Cottee) arrived a couple of months ago and she has
taken up guard duty just inside the front door. We don't have any
problems with the sleeping habits of any of our dogs. The problem arises
when it is time to wake up and go outside - none of them are
particularly anxious to vacate their beds in the morning <vbg>.

I am no expert on Pyrs but our two seem to find this a most agreeable

Barry Denyer
Coolham, West Sussex, England.