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-----Original Message-----
From: Patti Brunkala <menditar@grrtech.com>

>1.    How did you come to choose a Pyr??

>Of course they are big and beautiful and cuddly too!!!  I'd love to hear
>others "why did you choose a Pyrenees?" answers!

About 10 years ago, my husband and I were at the "Mall" (oh boy) and of
course I had to go look at the animals in the "Pet Store" (since has
closed - thank God for small favors).    We walked in and immediately I was
drawn to this white rather large fluffy puppy.    His eyes just went
straight to my heart!    I wanted this dog so badly - however, just starting
out money was tight - but hey we both were getting paid the next day - so of
course we went back the very next day with money in hand!    To our
disappointment the puppy had been sold!  Omen?  Maybe....anyway we ended up
coming home with a cat - "Bubba".

Anyway - 5 years ago I decided to start walking to work (right around the
corner from my home) and everyday I would pass this house with this
beautiful white dog in the yard - he took my breath away!    One day I
decided to speak to the woman who was outside and she talked to me about the
breed - she also told me it was interesting that her Bo never barked at me.
I told her about the pet store puppy I saw and she told me if I were serious
she would give me a list of breeders.    So every day I kept walking by and
I would stop and see "handsome  Bo" - being too shy I called the vets office
and asked them if they knew of anyone who owned Grt Pyrs (knowing that they
would put me in touch with Bo's mom - Barbara).

I called her and she came over with a ton of information and told us to
really read all the info and if we were still interested she would get us a
list of breeders.     Well, I now own two wonderful Pyrs - Gunner & Murphy
and I can't imagine life without them.     We are trying to move to buy more
property and yes just to accomodate our pyrs!

I still wonder what happened to that puppy in the pet store and I only hope
and pray that he has found a wonderful home.

Dianne Migas - NJ
Have you hugged your Pyr today?