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Re: [PyrNet-L] dominance/aggression

Which helps (perhaps) to explain Carlit's (our two year old female) curious
behavior on and off our property.  When in the house or the yard, Carlit is
_always_ working (at least in her mind).  Any animal or person who ventures
close to our very large yard gets a thorough barking.  Without fail, Carlit
insists that my wife or I come and see what the "trouble" is.  This morning
it was a woodpecker which was hammering away on a transformer to warn
revivals of his presence.

Outside the yard it is a _very_ different story.

Carlit too has a special hatred of huskies, having been alpha-rolled and
badly shaken by a large Alaskan when she was about seven months.  It is how
she deals with other dogs, especially females, that bothers me.  When we are
approached by another dog, Carlit will stand stiffly erect, and very still.
As soon as the stranger is within nose range, Carlit begins a very
aggressive inspection.  If the dog is a) female, b) husky-like, or c) God
knows what, without even marking a sound, Carlit is all over the animal like
stink on a monkey.  The first time this happen, I was caught completely
off-guard, and taken aback.  The aggression does not surprise me so much (we
have had to work very hard on the alpha/beta relationship with Carlit) as
the silent, sudden nature of her attacks. Completely at odds with her
behavior while in the yard.  Is this silent aggression typical of pyrs?

Jeff, Kristi, and Carlit