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[PyrNet-L] Glaucoma

Betsy and Mattie - my sister's Tibetan Terrier developed glaucoma about ten
years ago and was ultimately treated by veterinarian Alan Bachrach in
Lincoln, Mass, who is an "Animal Eye" specialist. His phone number is
781-259-0080.  He did a great job and was able to relieve all the pain,
although "Rootie" had already lost the sight in both eyes by the time he
went to Alan.  However, you would scarcely know Rootie was blind!  He
scampered around the park much like usual and enjoyed life to the fullest. 
The only difference we noted was that he would tend to nip more if he
sensed anyone's hand/foot getting anywhere near his head.  But truthfully,
once the initial pain of the disease was taken care of, he went on to lead
a perfectly happy life.

Good luck to you,
Gerry and Travis