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Re: [PyrNet-L] PLEASE Help! Barking problem/thunderstorms

On 3 Jun 98, at 10:47, Ann Wetherilt wrote:
> BUT: She is terrified of thunderstorms. During two pretty severe ones
> we've had this week, she climbed the steepish stairs to our 2nd floor for
> the first time and scratched on a bedroom door to get in. Once in, she
> paced, scratched and scrabbled at doors, floor, etc. and generally kept us
> all awake until the storm subsided. She seemed a little better when we
> turned on the light so that she didn't see the lightening so much, and we
> tried not to reinforce the behavior with petting or too much sympathy. Any
> suggestions would be *much* appreciated! 

There's been some recent information coming out of seminars by Dr. Jean 
Dodds that melatonin is being used for thunderstorm fear.  I've used it on my 
thunderstorm fear pyrs and it's been very effective.  Studies are showing an 
effective rate around 80% and I heard that there should be some information on 
it published in veterinary journals sometime this summer.  

The suggested dose is: 
20lbs or less 1 1/2 milligrams
40lbs - 100 lbs  3 milligrams
over 100 lbs  6 milligrams

This dosage can be given up to 3x's a day to be given when you know a 
thunderstorm is approaching or first signs of a storm.

It's also being used to treat canine recurrent flank alopecia, other fears
and phobias in dogs, separation anxiety and acral lick dermatitis.  Heed the 
warnings on the label and not recommended to be used on pregnant or 
lactating bitches.   

There's information on fear of thunderstorms and loud noises at   
http://www.golden-retriever.com/thunder.html and various treatments that can 
be used.  There's a couple of homeopathic remedies listed that I've used that 
I've found to be effective also, aconite and phosphorus.    

Janice, janices@texas.net
Admiral & Linsey (newfs), Bianca & Sonny (pyrs)  
Leander, TX
Visit Old West Newfoundland Club's website at  