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[PyrNet-L] One fleeting moment

Today there was one of those horrrible moments...one of those times when 
your heart leaps into your throat and you ears fill with its sound, you 
feel the icy cold finger of fear grip your face and everything around 
you brightens to a horrible electric color shade.
	I was driving down the road when I caught movement in the corner 
of my eye.  Up ahead I saw the definate body of a small dog then infront 
of it, the large white body, of what I thought, at first was a goat, 
that the dog was chasing into the road.  Then the whole picture came 
into view.  It was no goat, rather it was the body of a gangly young pyr 
moving at a steady trott toward the highway.  I looked in front of me, 
dead set on tuning into the driveway and getting out to stop the dog.  
But a mack truck was bearing down the other way.  There would be no time 
for me to clear the turn and the truck and not hit the dog myself.  I 
did, for a moment, think that me hitting the dog and bumping it into the 
ditch might not kill it like the truck surely would. I slammed on the 
breaks andd began honking the horn, screaming out the window, waving my 
arms at the dog the dog stopped just for a few second then picked upt 
its foot to move forward again.  At first I was terrified that it was 
going to come out and "visit" me in the road.  I yelled again.  I wanted 
to jump out in the road so baddly.  I knew a truck would try and stop 
for a person where it would never even flinch for a dog.  A whistel cut 
through the air, one loud enough to even overpower the sound of the 
truck, the dog paused, the truck flew by rocking my van.  The dog had 
stopped just in time...  I don't think I could have stood watching that 
dog's body tumble through the air.  In fact, after the truck passed, I 
opened my eyes and uncovered my face...I didn't even relize that I had 
done this.  The dog had turned back to the road.  Be hind it on the long 
drive way was a man.  The smaller dog had returned to his person but the 
pyr, of course was looking at the wide world infront of it.  I turned 
into the drive, scaring the pyr back down the dirt road.  I hopped out 
of my van and called to the dog, bent down on the ground arms open.  The 
pyr looked at me, looked back at his person and moved toward his human 
and away from me and away from the *road*.  I thought for a minute it 
was going to bolt around me toward the street, so I moved over, blocking 
its way grining and babbeling in baby talk like some weirdo line backer.
	The dog ran toward the person who was able to snag it by the 
collar.  I waved at him and he waved at me.
	The end? right?  
	I  went to the car to open the door I heard him say loudly, 
probably more to himself, maybe hoping I would hear him, but probably 
more to relieve his worried guilt.
	" She keeps getting out, I ought'a just give her away."
	My hear sank.  I turned off the car and shut the door then I 
went to talk to the man.  His fences are in bad shape, but he had one 
pyr that stays with the sheep reguardless.  I told him about pyr rescue, 
he wanted to know what it would cost him, I told him nothing, he told me 
to come get the dog.  So here I am, at home, getting ready to print off 
a release contract...thankful that I did not get to watch a horrible 
accident and saddened at the same time.


Adrienne Wilder  www.stc.net/~draggon/index.htm (pet portraits)
Murrayville GA

"Oh, to be loved by a dog!"

Home of:
The golden gang,
Patou and the evil sister geese.
and many stray cats.