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Re: [PyrNet-L] Biting Pyr

Pbpyr@aol.com wrote:
> Sorry, this was not an accident or a nip; this was an attack.  Any dog of any
> breed that attacks a child causing enough damage to warrant 80 stitches and
> then connects again should be euthanized.
> Nancy Sandoval
> pbpyr@aol.com

This is sort of along the same line, or could be............
I am a new Pyr owner and am completely in love with Samson, and the
breed.  The problem is that every night around 8:30 he begins to throw a
weird temper tantrum.  I give him as much attention as possible, take
him outside on a long walk to try and calm him (or tire him out), but
allhe wants to do is nip at me (he's 4 months old).  He is not neutered
as this cannot be done until December.  He "challeneges" my boyfriend,
and I guess Samson thinks it is funny.  He growls and barks playfully,
but the nips are beginning to hurt.  His teeth are getting bigger, and
he is really making some scratches.  I have tried to discipline him the
best way I know how.  He is very laid back, and 99 percent of the time
listens to every word I say, except when he is in this weird moode.  My
problem is that my boyfriend's 7 year old son is coming into town in 2
days, and I don't want Samson to nip at him.  It really hurts, but he
keeps at it.  Anyone have any suggestions.  I love him dearly, and I do
not want any accidents occuring. 
 Thanks for any input!  Autumn and Samson