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Re: [PyrNet-L] Re: Chat:Behavior, pyr that bit

> >I have been told that any pyr that bites, should be euthanized.

A Pyr that bites without cause should be euthanized - a Pyr that bites
out of protection or defense is another story.

> >It is my understanding that even pyr's working as LGD's usually do
> >not attack a predator.  They posture, threaten, stand their ground or
> >chase the predator away. < Edd, are you there to respond?>
> >It is my understanding that a  pyr that perceives a threat to his
> >territory,  will growl, threaten, even knock a person down and stand
> >over them, as well as 'hold' them until help arrives.  This is a
> >serious issue regarding behavior/temperament and we would all be well
> >served with continuing dialogue.

You are correct, they do all the above first but, they will bite if all
the prior warnings aren't heeded.
> I agree with Judy. I know it sounds very harsh and there's tons of
> reasons and excuses, but can you ever *really trust a Pyr (or any
> dog) not to bite again? 

I have a Pyr that has bitten - yes, I do trust her, I trust her with my
kids, I trust her with everything, she is a therapy dog, has her CD and
her CGC. I think one has to take a bite on an individual case and look
at the circumstance of how and when the bite occured. Many people know
my dog and realize that the one time she bit - she did everything in her
power to warn before she did. Dream does warn and when she does I

 And I just
> don't think I have whatever it takes to trust a dog again if he had
> bitten someone. Pyrs are NOT bred to attack, it doesn't matter how
> many times it happens, they're still not bred to do that. 

I have a question for you - IF you were there when one of your dogs bit,
let's say the person entered your house and was attacking you, and you
saw that your Pyr did all the warning behavior before it attacked and
your Pyr did everything in it's power to protect you, would you still
not trust that Pyr? If that Pyr kept you from serious harm would you
still think the same way?
