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Re: [PyrNet-L] CHAT: Pyr that bit

> Another thought - a member of the household (even if it was a child, she
> should still be respected), opened the door to the intruder.  The intruder
> did not push her way in by herself.  If a member of the dogs household
> opens the door to someone, that should give the dog a sign that this person
> is not an uninvited intruder.  My dogs would still be barking, but the
> stance definately changes at the point of the door being opened by a
> household member.

Please look at the beginning of the post - the dog did not know this
child and the child had been banging on windows and aggivating the
situation even before the 8 year old was let into the house.

> Well, here's hoping that I haven't started a hot debate on this list too!
> <g>  Although please, keep the comments coming.  This is a very important
> issue and could (probably has) happen to others.