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[PyrNet-L] puppies and kids

In a message dated 98-07-09 17:56:24 EDT, you write:

<< but I chuckled at the posts regarding the
 >similarities between puppies and kids.  >>

   One thing I've noticed with Albert is that I had to go out and buy a LOT
more childproof latches for cupboards and doors than I ever had with my 3
boys!! The boys had no desire to get in the linen closets and shred towels, or
chew plastic cups, or the clean laundry!! Or  chew sports equipment and they
never chewed wall decorations, either!!  And didn't have to keep them out of
the kids' toys (with the exception of keeping littler ones out of bigger kids'

:0   &   :)```   (me screaming & Albert grinning & drooling!)

Janice Vocke
Shelton, WA.