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Re: [PyrNet-L] showing heidi?

Of course, if she didn't win every time, I'd then blame
> myself  for not giving the proper command/guidance.

When you show - you have to be in the frame of mind that you can't win
every single time - even the best loose<VBG>

  Even tho'
> you just knew most of the dogs were dearly loved, you still had to
> wonder why people & dogs alike would go through that.

There are those of us that tolerate the heat better than others and our
dogs are the same, I know my male will probably stay home in Aug - he
just can't take the heat as well as the others.
> I'm still going to try to get an evaluation (altho' I don't even have
> a clue where I might find a breeder down here in NJ).  

There are many nearby to NJ and at least one in NJ- Oh Donna, Oh Jean,
Oh Charolette point her in the right direction.

Maybe I'll just
> have her bred once before she is spayed.  Will let you know but be
> assured that whether or not she is "show quality" we will love her all
> the same.

I have to do this before someone else - Where you going to get the male?
Have you had her hips done(can't 'til 2), even pet people ask about
that. Do you have the time patience and money to care for and possibly
keep an average of 9 puppies? Do feel comfortable saying no to puppy
people that you don't feel comfortable with? Do you have the knowledge
to know if she gets in trouble whelping, to know when to call the vet?
Can you face the fact you might loose her in the process.

I know I sound like one of those crabby people about breeding but, I'm
not, just trying to give you a reality check - the last question, yes,
that just happened here - although I accept that fact when I breed - it
was still devistating.
