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Re: [PyrNet-L] pyr rescue question GENERAL

A dog that has bitten without *real* reason, especially a pyr, is a 
liability that no one, especially rescue, can take.
If the owner could not live with this dog then HOW the hell can the 
owner expect any one else to live with it.  If the dog is dangerous to 
warrent the loss of its home then YES it should be destroyed.  People 
think that giving away their problems are okay while dealing with them 
is looked at as being cruel.  
And the "trainers" who I have met, that have encouraged people w/ these 
types of dogs to keep them, need to get a life. Three weeks is by no 
means long enough for a dog to get comfortable.  Its a flash in a 
lifetime and while it can give a person an idea about a dog, knowing it 
has bitten, should tell you not all its true colors are being shown.  
Trainers are NOT qualified to deal with agressive dogs. 
If this person is in GA, I probably talked to them.  I recently had a 
convo with a man who I flat out told to either keep the dog (in an 
re-enforced typed kennelwith no human contact other then him) or 
euthinize it...the dog has caused a bite that required 20+ STAPLES, to a 
man who simply walked up in the yard w/ the owner.  There was no way in 
hell I was going to except the liabilty of a dog like that.
People need to realize that when a dog looses its ability to coexsist 
peacefully with humans it becomes a danger. While unpredicatable, they 
are not wild animals that can be relseased and allowed to go on their 
own and kept seperated from humans.  They are domesticated animals who's 
soul purpose it to exsist with human kind.
Once that ability is lost, there is simply no place safe (for them or 
people) for them.
	Cruel?  Maybe.  But it nothing compared to mother nature.


Adrienne Wilder  
Murrayville GA

"Oh, to be loved by a dog!"

Home of:
The golden gang,
Patou and the evil sister geese.
and many stray cats.