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Re: [PyrNet-L] Barking question

Anyone else have a problem with
> barking and how did you stop it? I have 4 other dogs but none of them bark
> this much.

I'm a bit behind in my mail, I checked, no one brought up this

I've had my share of barking problems - it goes with the territory when
one has Pyrs. I don't generally have a problem with the dogs barking in
the house, just outside. I have had 2 that would bark at the grass
growing, I guess they understood how bad we hate mowing<G>

I did not use the citronella collar because I don't like the fact that
chemicals end up in their face and not even the manufacturer could tell
me if there could be a problem if the spray got in their eyes. I choose
to have the 2 debarked, one ended up completly silent and the other just
turned down(results vary from dog to dog and vet to vet). I don't regret
my decision as it has made for more peaceful relations with my
neighbors. Since I live in a very doggy neighborhood, I could also prove
that it wasn't my dogs barking(it's usually the wolf hybrids behind me).
The surgery cost about $125 each dog. I did try training them not to
bark before I had the surgery done - it just didn't work with these 2,
training was successful with my other 2 adults and this time I've been
starting the training with the puppies early.
